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Lawn Bowls is a fantastic sport to take up! Simply put, it is a sport for everyone! Whether you’re young or old, male or female, a child or an adult, lawn bowls is definitely a sport for all! Whilst perhaps not as readily known or played as other sports, what we can say is lawn bowls is a gem and worth exploring! So you may ask, why is it so appealing? Well we’ll help you answer all your curiosities and give you the confidence to get into this great sport! Ok, so here it goes:
1, When you play Lawn Bowls, you enjoy the fresh outdoors! What’s worst then staying home all day, day after day, surrounded by walls and buildings and grey everywhere! Arrhh i can just about pull my hair out, thinking about it! Not too many can be pretty dull and boring when we constantly stay around buildings and our life is amiss of nature and greenery. Well guess what lawn bowls, gives you an excuse to enjoy the outdoors, get some fresh air and experience some green in your life. To add to that, the picturesque settings of the many lawn bowls clubs around the country is worth taking in and is breathtaking at times. The affect on the human psyche in just being out in the fresh air and seeing some green is unbelievable and lawn bowls clubs around the country can certainly provide you this!
Not only is lawn bowls a great outdoor sport which you can enjoy in the fresh outdoors, it is also great exercise! There is a great deal of walking involved in lawn bowls, right from when you step foot onto the rinks to the last game you play. Why not even walk to your local club and get more exercise in! Lawn Bowls is unexpectedly more active than people think and the amount of walking can really add up. And we all know, how important exercise is to our health, our number 1 most important asset! So why not enjoy the fresh outdoors and get some exercise in with lawn bowls!
Lawn Bowls is not only an active sport, but gosh did i tell you, it’s technical too! The aim of lawn bowling is to get the bowls as close as possible to the Jack. Bowls if you didn’t know have a unique bias to them depending on the bowls design and getting the Bowls close to the Jack is no easy feat! It takes some skill to perfect the art, including having a great delivery, understanding the bias of the Bowls you’re using, understanding the positioning of other bowls (already bowled) and calculating the trajectory and the draw required to out manoeuvre opponent’s bowls to get your bowls closest to the Jack as possible. Wow! So why not test yourself and see how good you are mentally and technically by rocking down to your local lawn bowls club today! It can actually be quite addictive once get started and trying to perfect the art is no easy feat!
Has anyone told you, Lawn Bowls is a great day out with your mates! Yes! I bet many have! Truly, what else can be better than getting your mates together, girlfriends/boyfriends and hitting your local lawn bowls club and having a game! And you don’t have to be serious if you don’t want to! Lawn Bowls is there for the average punter who just wants to have some fun! Why not even enjoy some Barefoot Bowls, take the shoes off and let your hair down! It’s some of the best fun you’ll ever have! Imagine, the beaming sun, the fresh air, the green paddock of the lawn bowl rink, you and you’re mates, with food and drinks aplenty with the entire day in front of you, what can be better! Am hard pressed to find something else at this moment that can come close!
Did you know that if you manage to love lawn bowls as much as we do, you can even take it up seriously! Yes! Did you know that Lawn Bowls is an official Commonwealth Games Sport. Indeed! So if you do get into, opportunities are plenty to play at your local, divisional, state and even national levels. There are also many tournaments being regularly held all over the country which you can register for and try your luck at!
Support your local community. Did you know, you’re local Bowlo (Lawn Bowls Club). is there to serve YOU, the local community members. Clubs go above and beyond and truly have the local community at heart and nothing pleases them more than seeing their local community patrons visiting the Club and having a great time! There are many clubs around the country ready and willing to serve you, including your local club. And guess what, sometimes the smaller, cosier local Bowlo may serve much better food than the elaborate places and be a better day/night out! So let’s get out there and support your local Bowlo and visit one day today! Enjoy a game, settle back and enjoy the hospitality which your local Bowlo can provide!